Read CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review 2nd Edition Cliffsquickreview Robyn L Ford Charles Henrickson Harold D Nathan 9780470905432 Books

Inside the Book
Atomic Structure
Electron Configurations
Chemical Bonding
Organic Compounds
States of Matter
Acids and Bases
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Review Questions
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Read CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review 2nd Edition Cliffsquickreview Robyn L Ford Charles Henrickson Harold D Nathan 9780470905432 Books
"A great refresher from transitioning from a high school chemistry to college chem course. Goes over the most important, key topics learned in a chemistry course in depth. I really enjoy the way the book covers topics in an easy to learn way. I also recommend​ this book to anyone currently enrolled in chemistry, it covers topics in a way my teachers didn't."
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Tags : Buy CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review, 2nd Edition (Cliffsquickreview) on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders,Robyn L Ford, Charles Henrickson, Harold D Nathan,CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review, 2nd Edition (Cliffsquickreview),Cliffs Notes,0470905433,Chemistry - General,Chemistry,Chemistry (General),SCIENCE / Chemistry / General,STUDY AIDS / Study Guides,Science,Science/Chemistry - General,Science/Mathematics,Study Guides,SCI013000,STU026000
CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review 2nd Edition Cliffsquickreview Robyn L Ford Charles Henrickson Harold D Nathan 9780470905432 Books Reviews :
CliffsNotes Chemistry Quick Review 2nd Edition Cliffsquickreview Robyn L Ford Charles Henrickson Harold D Nathan 9780470905432 Books Reviews
- This book is exactly what you would expect. It broadly covers the important concepts within Chemistry, while not being too lengthy. It offers problems to solve of varying difficulties, as well as additional problems to work out online as another resource.
I would not recommend this if you are lookong for in depth descriptions of topics (like a textbook, or some other workbooks offer). Rather, consider this if you are seeking a helpful resource to boost and better understand your knowledge of the subject while taking a chemistry course. It would also be helpful in situations where you need a quick refresher on the subject, which is what I used it for. - A great refresher from transitioning from a high school chemistry to college chem course. Goes over the most important, key topics learned in a chemistry course in depth. I really enjoy the way the book covers topics in an easy to learn way. I also recommend​ this book to anyone currently enrolled in chemistry, it covers topics in a way my teachers didn't.
- I hadn't taken chemistry so I used this to help me prepare for the TEAS exam which has chemistry as one of the sciences it tests you on. There were some parts of this book that went over my head and were explained as if you had prior chemistry knowledge; however, for the most part I understood the text and it was quite helpful.
- This book is very accessible and a handy reference. The sections i've read so far are clearly presented. I do have a background in physics and engineering, so this is reading for entertainment, rather than to pass a test, but i think it would serve a high school or college student in a first-year chemistry or physics class well, as a quick reference or alternate source for clarifying points.
- This is a really good review book for someone who just needs a reminder. It is a little brief for someone who has never taken a chemistry class. For me, going back to school after a few years away, it was perfect.
- The book is structured as a series of short chapters, each with a couple of pages that review a major concept followed by practice problems and explanations of the correct answers. The topics are presented in a logical order and build on one another nicely. This would be a good ACT review book for a high school student. As a teacher, I use it with my high school class as a source for review questions.
- This book was extremely helpful for the student. The CliffsNotes math textbooks are also excellent. I've given a few students a copy of these books.
- Very simple. This is OK for junior high or maybe high school chemistry. I purchased so I could review general college chemistry before taking the next course. It's too basic.