Download PDF Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe Audible Audio Edition Robbie Holz Christiann Howard Inner Traditions Audio Books

One woman's story of healing through Aboriginal principles and awakening to her own healing powers. It
- Explains principles from the 60,000-year-old Aboriginal culture of Australia that can help create transformation in your lifeÂ
- Details her experiences participating in secret women's ceremonies with an Outback Aboriginal tribeÂ
- Describes how she recovered from illness, met her team of spirit guides, coped with her husband's passing, and found that love can transcend deathÂ
Sharing her journey from bedridden patient to inspired healer, Robbie Holz recounts her recovery from hepatitis C, fibromyalgia, and treatment-induced brain damage, as well as the blossoming of her own healing powers, through her work with her husband, the late healer Gary Holz, and her experiences with a remote tribe in the Outback of Australia.Â
Robbie describes many of the miraculous healings she witnessed while working with Gary in his Aboriginal-inspired healing practice. She details the powers that Gary developed after his transformative time being healed by Aborigines, including telepathy, seeing the inner workings of his patients' bodies, and channeling the healing energy of the universe. She discloses how Gary accessed the Dreamtime, the energy field that is the source of reality, and reveals how her work with Gary led her to an invitation to participate in secret Aboriginal women's ceremonies in the harsh Outback desert, where her own healing powers blossomed.Â
Through her story of healing and discovery, Robbie describes principles from the 60,000-year-old Aboriginal culture that can help create transformation in your life. She explains how she became aware of her team of spirit guides, who provide unwavering support and unconditional love through each of life's struggles. She shares the tenderness of her husband's final moments and how she worked past her grief to transform her relationship with him, enabling him to become an active, loving part of her spirit team and partner in her healing work.
Download PDF Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe Audible Audio Edition Robbie Holz Christiann Howard Inner Traditions Audio Books
"I enjoyed reading this. I was very interested in the early parts relating to the author's illness (es). As a physician, I was able to separate myself from the anguish of the author. I may have had more sensitivity had I truly known the author when we attended the same high school together.
Being both spiritual and a man of science, I read this book with skepticism as well as an open mind, knowing full well that science probably will never discover all answers. Knowing who the author is certainly whetted my appetite as I struggled along with a multitude of questions in my mind as I read through the middle portion of the book. I had to ask myself, especially on seeing the author had collaborated with another individual, whether there was some artistic license taken in some or many of the chapters. Overall, though, I enjoyed reading through the majority of the book as it helps enlighten one to potential unseen realities that many people are skeptical about and that many people do not probably want to entertain because it may seem to be adverse to their own religiosity.
To me, this, her experiences, is another affirmation of the beautiful lesson of love that is the true positive force the permeates the universe, and it is immortal.
Thank you, Robbie."
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Tags : Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe (Audible Audio Edition) Robbie Holz, Christiann Howard, Inner Traditions Audio Books, ,Robbie Holz, Christiann Howard, Inner Traditions Audio,Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe,Inner Traditions Audio,B07MBQQR11
Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe Audible Audio Edition Robbie Holz Christiann Howard Inner Traditions Audio Books Reviews :
Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe Audible Audio Edition Robbie Holz Christiann Howard Inner Traditions Audio Books Reviews
- I enjoyed reading this. I was very interested in the early parts relating to the author's illness (es). As a physician, I was able to separate myself from the anguish of the author. I may have had more sensitivity had I truly known the author when we attended the same high school together.
Being both spiritual and a man of science, I read this book with skepticism as well as an open mind, knowing full well that science probably will never discover all answers. Knowing who the author is certainly whetted my appetite as I struggled along with a multitude of questions in my mind as I read through the middle portion of the book. I had to ask myself, especially on seeing the author had collaborated with another individual, whether there was some artistic license taken in some or many of the chapters. Overall, though, I enjoyed reading through the majority of the book as it helps enlighten one to potential unseen realities that many people are skeptical about and that many people do not probably want to entertain because it may seem to be adverse to their own religiosity.
To me, this, her experiences, is another affirmation of the beautiful lesson of love that is the true positive force the permeates the universe, and it is immortal.
Thank you, Robbie. - I downloaded Robbie's book onto my and devoured it in a day! It is a wonderful story of one woman's spiritual journey. There are a few things it is not. It is not a step-by-step, read this information and do this exercise type of book. It is not a lecture in written form, nor is it preachy in any way. It is simply an elegant example of someone learning, through life's challenges and joys, the "secrets" of discovering your Divine self through Divine Love. It is a compelling story of, not only triumph over adversity, but of love and gratitude for the adversity itself! With honesty and compassion, Robbie shares her hard-won wisdom while remaining awed and humbled by her experiences. It is definitely well worth your time to read her personal story.
- What a great book. What a great intro into a whole new world. This book contains a fascinating story, and its a fun ready, but looking deeper than that, it provides insights about healing and well being that I personally haven't read anywhere else. Seeing the transformation in these people's life makes one inspired to transform their own self, to slow down and do a lot more rose smelling. This book has inspired me greatly, and given me such a different look on health and wellness. The concepts discussed are emotional and at times heartbreaking, but I felt my heart energy growing throughout the entire story. This is one of several books that have brought about a great change in my life, and I'm very thankful to Gary and Robbie Holz for sharing their story. If you're thinking about buying this book, go ahead and get "Secrets of Aboriginal Healing" and read it first. It's shorter but no less packed with insight.
- Robbie is AMAZING! her journey is awe inspiring and I cannot put it down. Her husband Gary Holz took me on his journey down under and now her turn.... What a Gal and what a transformation.... Thanks Robbie for bring the Ancients to us! We have much to learn.
- The book is essentially a semi-biography of Gary Holz's life with many inclusions about Robbie's life. I say "semi" because while Gary is on almost every page, few personal details are given about him. Nor are we treated to any real details about Robbie. If she were a fiction writer she would write romances. If you just love The Bachelorette, then my review isn't for you. You will be satisfied with what's on the pages and thrill every time Robbie tells us how much she loves Gary and how much Gary loves her. But if you are a serious seeker, you will want to be warned of what's not in the pages. Had I known in advance I would not have bought the book.
For example, the two first words in the title are "Aboriginal Secrets." There are literally no aboriginal secrets in the book. The aborigines refused to allow either Gary or Robbie (not that Robbie knew any) to reveal them. And, really, for those of us who know, who can spend five days with a group of women who don't speak to you, and whom you cannot look at, and come away being enlightened? Only revealed to Gary are the "5 secrets of healing," which are listed on one page 125. These "secrets" are well-known to every spiritual teacher from Wayne Dyer to Louise Hay and more. But these people elucidate what they list. Robbie does not. She has, "Awareness. Become aware of the circumstances. Here's where you get at the subconscious root of the problem.". Yes? And . . . then what? Nothing. No further advice, suggestions, rules, techniques, what have you. And this short list is only for healing, not the other two words in the title, "of Awakening." There's nothing about how to awaken. You read a lot about how Robbie awakens, but it's still all quite general and not terribly specific, so you can't apply it to yourself. Even if you could, people are different and awaken differently, so it still may do you no good to read about her experience. Most of what I did read, though, felt genuine, and I had to laugh as, like me, she would get to a certain point of insight, think she had the lesson down, only to discover a week later, nope, not yet!
The subtitle is equally misleading "A Journey." What journey? Inner? Outer? Short distance? Long distance? The only one she actually takes happens at the end of the book and we get nada from the aborigines because they wouldn't even allow the white women to interact with them during the week-long "ceremony," which Robbie does not understand, nor it seems did the others. The next two words, "of Healing," make no sense because while Robbie does seemingly get healed by Gary it took years of pain and suffering to get there and lots of medication, as well. As for Gary, a chapter asks why he was in a wheelchair. It is not really answered. His condition is surprising since he is presented to us as a near-perfect being, a sort of demi-god. "Gushing over Gary" might be a better title for the book. Robbie tells us about all the spiritual gifts and abilities Gary has, how he can look through peoples eyes, how he meditates for hours with tears rolling down his cheeks, how he can see the future at times. It is my spiritual understanding that these are considered by high level teachers as mere "tricks," and not to be indulged in to any real depth. But depth is just what this book lacks. If what we have learned, and what this book teaches about the connection between mind and body, Gary was in his wheelchair because he still needed a serious personal lesson in healing some issue from his past. Gary did not always treat people, including Robbie (a few stories snuck in) with the highest regard or greatest respect. He held himself away from people and, since I have had experience with a husband in a wheelchair, I was able to pick up on what a huge drain he was on his wife. In death, as well, he appears to be a bit of a stalker to her, perhaps a benign (is that possible?) type of succubus, but since he is clearly a superior specimen, and she loves him so much and has not been raised to stand on her own two feet, she enjoys it, or so she says.
The last words of the title, "Remote Australian Tribe," are, as far as we can tell, reasonably true. The Australian government has stated unequivocally that there are no unknown aborigine tribes camped or wandering in the Outback any longer. This is to protect starry-eyed tourists from being taken advantage of. However, I wouldn't put it past true spiritual masters giving that the lie! About 35 pages at the end are devoted to Robbie's experiences in the Outback with this secret, unknown, mysterious tribe. We know next to nothing of what went on or what the major purpose of this "ceremony" was. So we find out at long last that there was no journey of healing and spirituality with the aborigines. A big disappointment. I learned far more from Marlo Morgan's "Mutant Message Down Under."
I will say, however, that all of the words devoted to healing, whether by Robbie or Gary, rang true to me. If I sensed falseness in the book itself, it was only because of the repetitive, emotional wailing that, in the end, left so much out. A shorthand version of someone's life is bound to come off feeling inauthentic. Truth is, I know Robbie and Gary about as well on the last page as I did on the first page basically nice people who tried to help others and did the best they could. - A FANTASTIC book! Excellent message about learning to know yourself. This is a book you will read over and ovet again. This is my 4th copy ss i have gifted the first three copies!
- Great book with a much needed medical message.
- A very nice book. I enjoyed reading it. It answered many of my questions after reading Gary's book.