» PDF L'École des femmes Théâtre French Edition eBook Molière Fanny Briant Elise Sultan
Wanda Tyler on Monday, May 27, 2019
PDF L'École des femmes Théâtre French Edition eBook Molière Fanny Briant Elise Sultan

Product details - File Size 23223 KB
- Print Length 192 pages
- Publisher Flammarion (March 27, 2019)
- Publication Date March 27, 2019
- Sold by Flammarion Lt.
- Language French

L'École des femmes Théâtre French Edition eBook Molière Fanny Briant Elise Sultan Reviews
- "L' école des femmes" is a very well-known comedy written by Molière (1622-1673) in 1662. At first sight, it appears to be the epitome of the classical comedy of mistakes. Despite that, this short play also deals with a topic that was highly controversial during Molière's life, women's education. The author of this book seamlessly incorporates that theme into the plot, making the reader reflect on it even without realizing he is doing that.
To start with, I would like to outline the plot of "L' école des femmes". It is simple, but shows that a play doesn't need to be too complicated in order to entertain. The main character is Arnolphe, an old man who having had lots of affairs with married women, distrust women in general. The strange thing is that in spite of that Arnolphe still wants to get married, provided (of course) that he can find a woman he can trust with his honour. After much pondering, he finds a seemingly perfect solution for his problem to marry a woman without too much education, so she won't know how to deceive him ("Épouser une sotte est pour n'etre point sot"). According to Arnolphe, a dumb woman is a honest woman.
Having arrived to that conclusion, he decides to take a young orphan, Agnès, under his wing. Arnolphe educates Agnès according to his ideas not too much studying, a lot of sewing and praying. The years go by, and Agnès grows into a beautiful but profoundly ignorant young woman. Arnolphe is ready to marry her, but something unexpected happens a new character appears. That character is Horace, a young and handsome man who falls madly in love with Agnès and begins to court her, to Arnolphe's desperation and Agnès' happiness.
What will happen?. Well, you need to read "L' école des femmes" in order to know that. What I can tell you, though, is that I really enjoyed reading this play, notwithstanding the fact that there were some words that are no longer used in modern French. That made reading this play a little bit more difficult, although there was an abundance of footpages that explain the meaning of those words perfectly well, something that clarified my doubts. What is more, this edition includes a chronology of Molière's life, and several interesting studies regarding this play, something that helps to reader to understand "L' école des femmes", and the context in which it was written.
On the whole, I think that "L' école des femmes" is worth the time and effort of reading it. Molière wrote a perfectly good comedy, but he also took a stand regarding what kind of education should be given to women. He did that throughout the story, and also in a phrase said by one of the secondary characters, who says that "Une femme d'esprit peut trahir son devoir; mais il faut, pour le moins, qu'elle ose le vouloir; et la stupide au sien peut manquer d`ordinaire sans en avoir l`envie, et sans penser le faire". I completely agree with that, and I recommend this book as a play to enjoy, but also as a message to ponder...
Belen Alcat - I purchased this book for my upper-level French course. I truly loved reading it. (My prof's lectures were extremely helpful and explained everything very thoroughly). As Moliere wrote this play, there are a lot of funny moments in this book. The story is very entertaining and the characters are hilarious. This book will also help you understand La Préciosité, a cultural movement in France that peaked in the 1600s. The book's footnotes are very helpful too.
- Moliere's play is of course a classic, and there's a lot you can get out of it. I like these student editions because they have some beginning info about context and style and extensive footnotes in the actual text to explain archaic vocabulary or references that the average English-speaker would not understand. It would've been a lot harder to understand the play without these helpful notes. Still, there were some times when the footnotes explained something that was obvious while neglecting something I found confusing. Overall, the best version for students of French.
- The layout is easy to read and it's a wonderful story! Molière is a must-read for anyone interested in French literature, theater, or culture.
- Je l'ai téléchargé pour une classe de littérature (parce que je n'ai pas envie de dépenser l'argent), et c'était satisfaisant, mais la mise en forme n'était pas simple et il y avait quelques petits erreurs. Surtout, toutefois, c'a marché.
I downloaded this for a French lit class (because I didn't want to spend money) and it was satisfactory, but the formatting wasn't straightforward and there were a few small errors. Above all, however, it worked. - La plus grande qualité de l'ebook est sa gratuité.Sans la liste des personnages au début ça ralentit la compréhension de la situation. Les noms des personnages ne sont pas non plus en gras. Donc on est un peu perdu par moment notamment lorsqu'un personnage apostrophe un autre on ne sait plus qui parle.
- This book is purchased for a college course in French Culture and Literature and arrived in the condition it was advertised to be ... "New"