» Read Mental Manipulation The Defense Guide Against Persuasion Tactics Covert Mind Games and Emotional Control Victor Sykes 9781796787436 Books
Wanda Tyler on Sunday, May 19, 2019
Read Mental Manipulation The Defense Guide Against Persuasion Tactics Covert Mind Games and Emotional Control Victor Sykes 9781796787436 Books

Product details - Paperback 184 pages
- Publisher Independently published (February 15, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1796787434

Mental Manipulation The Defense Guide Against Persuasion Tactics Covert Mind Games and Emotional Control Victor Sykes 9781796787436 Books Reviews
- I’m currently working in a toxic environment and cannot quit at this time. I’m more on the quiet side and if you’ve read my prior reviews, you’ll know I suffer from autisic tendencies. At work I’m constantly taken advantage of because I don’t know how to say no or how to speak up and get my point across. As I was privy to an early addition of this guide, I’ve already read about many helpful ways I can make sure I’m not being pushed around at work. I’m beginning to practice different mechanisms and have already seen promising results. Every day of work is getting easier now, knowing that I can keep myself from being manipulated.
- I had been going through some problems with my Ex and this book really helped me see what was going on and how to get away.
- Really enjoyed this read... I’m always wondering what to expect, maybe I should start expecting what to wonder.
- I have the audiobook version of this book and it's awesome, the content is actionable and super easy to understand, Victor Sykes is one of my favorite authors now, his books are very easy to read and apply, no fluffy texts, straight to the point, techniques 100% useful and easy to start using. I recommend this and all his books.
- Great book!! Plenty of valuable information.
- Great read! Very insightful.