» Ebook Warriors The Broken Code #1 Lost Stars Erin Hunter 9780062823519 Books
Wanda Tyler on Saturday, May 25, 2019
Ebook Warriors The Broken Code #1 Lost Stars Erin Hunter 9780062823519 Books

Product details - Age Range 8 - 12 years
- Grade Level 3 - 7
- Series Warriors The Broken Code (Book 1)
- Hardcover 304 pages
- Publisher HarperCollins (April 9, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0062823515

Warriors The Broken Code #1 Lost Stars Erin Hunter 9780062823519 Books Reviews
- The storywriting has gotten better. There's actual emotions expressed differently in each character again. Still too much inner thought dialogue though. Very kid friendly for those worrying parents out there. It's an interesting read too but I'm afraid they've laid out the plot too easily and ruined a lot Squirrelflight's future novel unnecessarily, which is why I took a star away. I really hope I'm wrong as I'd like to actually enjoy an entire arch and not the first three books again... so spoilers and theories ahead. *Spoilers* The rest of the review I'll be discussing my opinions on the plot. If you don't want spoilers stop reading here. SPOILERS. StarClan is out of reach AGAIN but the clans think it's because Moonpool is frozen solid. That is, until Shadowpaw starts seeing visions that are 'StarClan' sent. This ancient ancestor with no given name is dropping hints to Shadowpaw about what's to come. It wasn't until Shadowpaw challenged the voice in his head after it lumped Dovewing in with the Codebreakers as the 'darkness that needed to be driven out' did ShadowClan realize the voice was a tom. Then I noticed the dialogue from this voice was very....Darktail... Shadowpaw listens when the voice tells him Bramblestar is going to be sick and instructs him the voodoo steps he needs to take to resurrect Darktail- oops I mean Bramblestar back in mentally stable state. The clans only listen to him after he has a fire vision, because the clans have a fetish for cliquey fire visions. I seriously got the vibe that Darktail is now in Bramblestar's body throughout the rest of the book like a well-written fanfiction... and the ending practically confirmed it. If they liked the Darktail plot so much they shouldn't have killed him as main plot midseries... come on now... Y'all messed up.. accept it and move on.. I really hope I'm in to be proven wrong. Comment your theories below, I'd like to believe I missed something.
- I have been reading Warriors since kindergarten (I'm in highschool now), and I've practically grown up with these cats. However, I found that this book definitely left much to be desired.
The changing perspectives between clans were a bit hard to follow, though it was nice to see protagonists that were growing up in camps other than ThunderClan. I'm hoping for a RiverClan protagonist soon, as we haven't had one since Mistystar's Omen. Speaking of Mistystar, she still hasn't died yet. She was great and all, but it's time to move on already!
Aaaand speaking of killing off old cats, Leafpool!! What the heck happened?! We may never know (until Squirrelflight's Hope anyway). Also- xXSPOILERSXx
Forced romance! Zero character given to Bristle's love interest! Zero character given to anyone! The protagonists are literally stupid children! Except Shadowpaw, of course, for he's the Incredibly Gifted Chosen One Who Just Wants to Be Normal. 0 wow so original, never heard that before, Erins, this is true genius!!!1!1!
In all seriousness, this book didn't really read like a professional Warriors book. If anything, it felt like I was reading fanfiction. May as well call it what it is. This was the first arc of Warriors to have zero influence from Vicky Holmes, the original Erin Hunter, and boy, is it obvious! The whole story seemed like an alternate universe (au) an enthusiastic fan wrote. The plot is ablout how "codebreakers," cats who have gone against the warrior code in some way, must be punished before the clans can achieve peace. But the writing alone breaks so many worldbuilding rules of the original arc
StarClan abandons the clans (again). Which, y'know, they promised multiple times they would never do.
One cat has all the prophecies. Are these prophecies even fron StarClan? Who knows??
The concept of ghost cats. It only kinda goes against every rule of Starclan (more for AVoS than this series, but that last page tho)
Possesion??? Hello??? (Theory Time I actually think that Hollyleaf, or at least Ye Olde Hollyleaf the Code Guardian from before her return from the tunnels would have fit this role very well. But since it couldn't be her, my money's on a cat who died recently and has reason to hate the clans yet love the code. Therefore, not Darktail. Perhaps a powerful entity [eg Rock] who can control prophecies. Ok Theory Time over).
I'm probably just being really nitpicky, but I truly do love Warriors. I could never give any book from this series less than 3 stars. It wasn't god-awful, it just didnt have that spark that most of the older Warriors books did.
I'll probably read as many books as the Erins write (lmao I'm such a sychophant), but I do notice the deteriorating quality.