PDF Le Petit Prince Edition Speciale étui élégant avec en cadeau carte popup collector Folio Junior French Edition Antoine de SaintExupery Gallimard Books

Le premier soir, je me suis donc endormi sur le sable à mille milles de toute terre habitée. J'étais bien plus isolé qu'un naufragé sur un radeau au milieu de l'océan. Alors, vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petite voix m'a réveillé. Elle disait S'il vous plaît... dessine-moi un mouton ! J'ai bien regardé. Et j'ai vu ce petit bonhomme tout à fait extraordinaire qui me considérait gravement... L'édition Folio Junior, dans un étui élégant avec, en cadeau, une carte pop-up collector.
PDF Le Petit Prince Edition Speciale étui élégant avec en cadeau carte popup collector Folio Junior French Edition Antoine de SaintExupery Gallimard Books
"I got what I wanted in great condition and on time. I would use them again. What more is there to say."
Product details

Tags : Le Petit Prince - Edition Speciale étui élégant avec - en cadeau - carte pop-up collector (Folio Junior) (French Edition) (9782070652853) Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Gallimard Books,Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Gallimard,Le Petit Prince - Edition Speciale étui élégant avec - en cadeau - carte pop-up collector (Folio Junior) (French Edition),French and European Publications Inc,2070652858,Classics,Literature Fiction / General,Children Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction-Classics,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Classics
Le Petit Prince Edition Speciale étui élégant avec en cadeau carte popup collector Folio Junior French Edition Antoine de SaintExupery Gallimard Books Reviews :
Le Petit Prince Edition Speciale étui élégant avec en cadeau carte popup collector Folio Junior French Edition Antoine de SaintExupery Gallimard Books Reviews
- Some people see this as a children's book, others read it as a dissertation on war strategy. For me, it's more about life & philosophy.
Reading comments on , it seems not all the versions are nicely printed. I'm quite satisfied with the version I received. I can't tell if the illustrations are the original ones or not, but they are definitely high quality. - I ordered this book for a French refresher class at the nearby community college prior to going to build boats and paddle down the Loire last autumn. The book was well worn and had a disgusting amount of underlining and (poor) translation notes between the lines and in the margins. Still, I knew it wasn't going to be like new, and it was better than no book.
- Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery is for children
and adults alike...and even more beautiful in the original French! - I bought this little book in my efforts to improve my French. A lovely story regardless of the language in which it is told.
- I've been reading and rereading this book in French and English for the past 40 years. It has made my mind and heart stay young.
- Livre facile a lire et tres captivant.
Je le reccomande fortement
Quoi dire plus c'est a lire absolument dans l'immediat - I got what I wanted in great condition and on time. I would use them again. What more is there to say.