PDF Hitler&rsquos Death The Case Against Conspiracy eBook Luke DalyGroves

By Wanda Tyler on Friday, May 10, 2019

PDF Hitler&rsquos Death The Case Against Conspiracy eBook Luke DalyGroves

Product details

  • File Size 4155 KB
  • Print Length 240 pages
  • Publisher Osprey Publishing; 1 edition (March 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 21, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Hitler&rsquos Death The Case Against Conspiracy eBook Luke DalyGroves Reviews

  • A big thank you to NetGalley and Osprey Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. Wow was this book intense! It is not a casual sit down book. This is a dissertation or equivalent type writing! This is not for the layman or faint hearted. I couldn't finish it, although I tried several times. I enjoy history but it is not my passion. I honestly couldn't keep the previous researchers straight. They are discussed in a way that made me think I should know who they are, which I don't. I am not sure maybe it's the multiple paragraph footnotes, or that he didn't give a back synopsis of each previous researchers work in a way I could follow. I am sure that this is a well researched book but it is not for the average person. I found it intimidating. I think Hitler buffs and researchers would like but not a great gift for a cousin.
  • 3 stars

    This book is very detailed and footnoted copiously. The writing is a little dry, but that is the nature of some historical writing. It speaks of all the conspiracies surrounding not only Hitler’s death, but also other key members of the Nazi regime. It lays out the origin of the differing conspiracy theories and why they were disseminated. I enjoyed it, although I did have to take an occasional break now and then.

    I want to thank NetGalley and Osprey Publishing for forwarding to me a copy of this interesting book for me to read and review.
  • An interesting topic that I was excited to read BUT this read was a disappointment, I barely finished. It took me 2 going on 3 weeks to finally reach the end. It reads as a research paper, not the least bit engaging and heavily footnoted.
    A fascinating topic though with this reading provides much disinterest.
    Not a good read for me. NOT RECOMMENDED