Download PDF Not a Fan Follower Journal Kyle Idleman 8588727777778 Books

By Wanda Tyler on Thursday, May 9, 2019

Download PDF Not a Fan Follower Journal Kyle Idleman 8588727777778 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 160 pages
  • Publisher City on a Hill; Pap/Com edition (January 29, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0982939825

Not a Fan Follower Journal Kyle Idleman 8588727777778 Books Reviews

  • Using this journal, in addition to reading "not a fan" by the same author, was life changing. I challenge you to really do the suggested exercises, if they seem a little out of your comfort zone or sound a little silly. Some of those exercises that seemed different to me, had the most profound effect on me. Even after finishing the journal and the study months later I'm still picking this up and revisiting the things I wrote and I highly recommend using if you want to get serious about becoming a follower instead of a fan.
  • If a group or anyone is doing the "Not a Fan" series, I highly recommend this journal! I believe we will all become
    closer to Jesus by participating and involving oneself in this journal. This is not a Bible study per se, it's more of
    a journey that will hopefully take us all to a closer walk with our Lord.
  • Not a Fan is a thought provoking book every Christian should read. The Not a Fan Journal is even better. For six weeks this journal leads you through very unusual exercises to bring you closer to the follower of Jesus that we all desire to be. The journal is not a once a day review, but a review all day long, after all we are not to be followers of Christ only during our night time prayers or on Sunday. My favorite part of the journal is the "Evening Focus" where you are sent off to sleep with a thought that can literally change your life.

    Not a Fan but a Follower of Christ
  • First off, I'd like to say that I really like the idea of this journal. It allows you to focus solely on growing your relationship with God. As well, to really appreciate this book, you need to be able to read the main book as you move along with this journal.

    Ultimately, I'd love to just go off to a place of mediation and spend time with God, using this book as a guide. And if you are in the position to take several weeks out of your life to focus on Him at the exclusion of everything else, or if that is what He is calling you to do, than this will be a good book for you.

    For those reasons though, I wouldn't recommend this book to to others who are simply looking for something to go to on a daily basis with. I was looking for something that I could look to after my morning meditation or, if I only had fifteen minutes, a quick lesson and a versus to get my started out right. This book, has for each day, four things to do. And while each of these little things probably wouldn't take to long to complete, that fact is that I have a hard time not skipping one and throwing off my time.
  • As pastor of a small interdenominational church I'm using this journal along with the book and the DVD for small groups for a small group study. The group has found this journal very challenging in a good way. The questions and meditations are well thought-out and would benefit both folks working in small groups as well as someone desiring to work on their own.
  • Seems a little dumb at first ("Place an extra chair before you. Imagine Jesus sitting in the chair. Try singing aloud, even softly, the words to a favorite worship song or hymn to Jesus, as he sits before you, taking it in.") But as I followed through on most of these situations(so far I haven't done the ones where I am suppose to look in the mirror as I say what is requested)I see the benefit. It has really helped me focus on the Lord more during each day and live a life that pleases Him. It's great.
  • I have done bible studies over the years and this one I truly did not like. I understand the concept of the book but honestly had a large group of new Christians in the bible study and this study was not helpful for them.
  • Really makes you look at your christian walk. Are you truly a follower of Christ? Or just a fan? This is the journal. Get the book as well!!