Read Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 13th Ed Michael R Lindeburg PE 9781591264149 Books

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MERM13 - The Reference Manual every PE Mechanical examinee needs!
Michael R. Lindeburg, PE’s Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual, 13th Edition (MERM13) is the definitive reference book for the PE Mechanical Exam. This comprehensive manual covers all three disciplines of the PE Mechanical Exam - HVAC and Refrigeration, Machine Design and Materials, and Thermal and Fluid Systems.
This must-have reference will fully prepare you for and aid you during the exam. Build exam confidence with a manual that follows NCEES exam specifications and addresses complex topics by parsing them into condensed, understandable, and readable sections. Over 375 example problems throughout the 76 chapters aid in your understanding of the exam topics. This manual includes over 120 appendices and a comprehensive index which includes thousands of equations, figures, and tables.
PE Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual, 13th Edition (MERM13) includes
Complete exam review for the PE Mechanical exam
Power Cycles
Heat Transfer
Machine Design
Dynamics and Vibrations
Control Systems
Law and Ethics
Industry-standard terminology and nomenclature
Equal support of U.S. customary and SI units
Recommendations for a study schedule to keep you on track
Exam tips for exam-day readiness
After you pass
PE Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual, 13th Ed. (MERM13) will serve as an invaluable reference throughout your mechanical engineering career.Read Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 13th Ed Michael R Lindeburg PE 9781591264149 Books
"I passed the Fall 2017 PE Mechanical: Machine Design and Materials. I purchased four books and used one book I already owned (Shigley). I did around 100 hours of self-study.
1. PE Exam Review for Mechanical Systems, Kennedy
2. Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam, 13th Ed
3. Six-Minute Solutions for Mechanical PE Exam Mechanical Systems and Materials Problems, 2nd Ed
4. Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 13th Ed (this book)
5. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
6. NCEES Practice Exam
7. Printed and added to hand notes unit conversions, beam tables, MERM index, stress concentration tables
I started with the Kennedy book and read the whole thing front to back. Then I solved all of Six-Minute problems. Then I worked all of the problems of MERM practice problems for chapter 45-66. Throughout all of this I took notes on key points and marked pages in MERM and Shigley. About a month before the exam I took the practice exam and did pretty well. From there I just studied concepts or units I had missed."
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Tags : Buy Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 13th Ed on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders,Michael R. Lindeburg PE,Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 13th Ed,PPI, A Kaplan Company,1591264146,Mechanical engineering,mechanical engineering reference manual for the pe exam 13th edition,Engineering (General),Mechanical,Mechanics - Dynamics,SCIENCE / Mechanics / Dynamics,SCIENCE / Mechanics / Fluids,SCIENCE / Mechanics / Thermodynamics,STUDY AIDS / Professional,Science/Mechanics - Dynamics,Science/Mechanics - Fluids,Science/Mechanics - Thermodynamics,Study Aids/Professional - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Engineering (General),TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Mechanical,Technology Engineering/Mechanical,Technology Industrial Arts,Technology Engineering,Science/Mathematics,Engineering general
Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 13th Ed Michael R Lindeburg PE 9781591264149 Books Reviews :
Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam 13th Ed Michael R Lindeburg PE 9781591264149 Books Reviews
- I just recently passed the mechanical PE exam (fluids discipline), and I thought I would share the studying strategy that seemed to work for me. The very first thing you should do is purchase this book, the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual (MERM), even if you do not plan to take the PE for several years. This is an excellent book that is useful for any mechanical engineer to have. Plus, if you begin to use it now, it will only help to make you more comfortable with it for the exam.
Begin your study about 5-6 months before the exam. At this point you should also purchase the associated Practice Problems for the MERM. Each day, read a chapter and then try to work the practice problems from that chapter. This will take you about 1-2 hours per day. The key is to not burn yourself out, so begin early and only do a set amount per day. On some days when the chapter is short, or you have extra time you could read and work problems for an extra chapter or two. Also, I decided to skip the math and statistics chapters because I felt like I still remembered the basics and there are no general math questions on the exam. So if you feel the same way, you can eliminate 12-13 chapters right off the bat. At this pace, in about 3 months you will have read the entire book (around 1500 pages) and at least attempted every single practice problem. At this point you will be in full panic mode, because you won’t feel comfortable with any of the practice problems because as I said, they are much harder than what is on the exam. Relax! The practice problems for the MERM are infinitely more complicated than what you will encounter on the exam. So do not worry too much if you don’t exactly know how to do them. Just try to work each problem, if you get stuck just read through the solution and try to understand. Keep in mind that no one can work all the problems in that book, so you are no different. Just do your best. When you have finished the book, it should be right about the time that you have to choose your specific mechanical discipline for the exam. Since you have seen all the types of problems, you should be able to make an informed decision on which of the three that you are best at.
As a general rule of thumb for the exam, anything you can think of that will save you any time is worth it. The MERM is absolutely jam-packed with charts, tables, graphs, etc. As you are reading through and working problems, you will start to notice you refer to some of them fairly often. It’s a good idea to put a tab on the page where the useful information is located. By the time I took the exam, my MERM had tons of tabs.
When you have finished the MERM and its practice problems, purchase ALL THREE (fluids, mechanical systems, HVAC) sample problems and solution booklets from the NCEES. The first 40 questions are exactly the same in the three booklets, but the next 40 will be different. It’s still worth it to buy all three, because in the morning session of the exam, you could encounter any of these problems. Make yourself out a schedule where you work 10-15 problems per day. This time, you will need to actually be able to do the problems, unlike the MERM problems. These problems are designed to represent what is on the test, and also to be able to be completed in 6 minutes. You will start to feel a lot more comfortable at this point because the questions are much easier than what you’ve seen so far. Work all 160 questions over and over in groups of 10-15 per day until the day of the exam. By now you should be very comfortable, and ready to tackle whatever they throw at you.
Update in response to some questions On test day, you will see people walk into the exam with dozens of books. Some even stand up all the books vertically on their table like a little library bookshelf. You will immediately wonder if you did not bring enough material. Rest assured! If you go into the test relying on this many books, then you are in trouble. There simply isn't enough time to think about which book to open and then search for the answer. I went into the exam with only the following materials and it was more than enough
Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual
Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual
NCEES Sample Questions and Solutions (Thermal and Fluids Systems)
NCEES Sample Questions and Solutions (Mechanical Systems and Materials)
NCEES Sample Questions and Solutions (HVAC and Refrigeration)
A 1" Three Ring Binder of helpful equations, saturation tables, and conversion factors that I accumulated during the study process
I hope this has helped, and most importantly, good luck! - I passed the October 2015 Mechanical Engineering PE exam (I chose to take the Mechanical Systems and Materials in the afternoon), and I would like to share with you how I prepared for the exam. I did not enroll in a course, but I used the following four resources, all purchased on
(1) Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 13th Ed
(2) PE Exam Review for Mechanical Systems and Materials PE Review Book for ME
(3) PE Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Systems and Materials Practice Exam
(4) Six-Minute Solutions for Mechanical PE Exam Mechanical Systems and Materials Problems, 2nd Ed
The first of these four resources, of which this review concerns, is by far the most essential. I repeatedly used Lindeburg's Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual during the actual test. While the other three resources were helpful, and I recommend that you purchase and use them, the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual was by far the most helpful. Most of the chapters contain material that is "fair game" on the exam. You can compare what the exam covers versus the chapters in this book. You will notice that some chapters contain material that is no longer covered on the exam. I skipped these chapters. For the chapters that did contain material on the exam (which was a majority of the book), I read them completely, and I worked through all examples. Most example problems have solutions in both S.I. and U.S. systems, and this is helpful because the exam can use either system. I switched back and forth if I solved one example problem using S.I., then I would solve the next using the U.S. system. Furthermore, to get extra studying time, I studied during my lunch break at work. I ate for about 15 minutes and studied for about 45 minutes. If you do this 5 days per week, then that is an extra 3.75 hours of study per week that you did not have to do at home. Plus, when you bring a really big book to work and read it, people will look and think you look really smart.
I will also review the other three resources listed in this review. In my opinion, the afternoon exam is orders of magnitude harder than the morning exam, so prepare for the afternoon exam even more than the morning exam. Best of luck, I wish you well! - I passed the Fall 2017 PE Mechanical Machine Design and Materials. I purchased four books and used one book I already owned (Shigley). I did around 100 hours of self-study.
1. PE Exam Review for Mechanical Systems, Kennedy
2. Practice Problems for the Mechanical Engineering PE Exam, 13th Ed
3. Six-Minute Solutions for Mechanical PE Exam Mechanical Systems and Materials Problems, 2nd Ed
4. Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, 13th Ed (this book)
5. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
6. NCEES Practice Exam
7. Printed and added to hand notes unit conversions, beam tables, MERM index, stress concentration tables
I started with the Kennedy book and read the whole thing front to back. Then I solved all of Six-Minute problems. Then I worked all of the problems of MERM practice problems for chapter 45-66. Throughout all of this I took notes on key points and marked pages in MERM and Shigley. About a month before the exam I took the practice exam and did pretty well. From there I just studied concepts or units I had missed.